
Xenopus XsalF: anterior neuroectodermal specification by attenuating cellular responsiveness to Wnt signaling
Onai T, Sasai N, Matsui M and Sasai Y
Dev Cell 7(1):95-106 (2004)

Here we show that XsalF, a frog homolog of the Drosophila homeotic selector spalt, plays an essential role for the forebrain/midbrain determination in Xenopus. XsalF overexpression expands the domain of forebrain/midbrain genes and suppresses midbrain/hindbrain boundary (MHB) markers and anterior hindbrain genes. Loss-of-function studies show that XsalF is essential for the expression of the forebrain/midbrain genes and for the repression of the caudal genes. Interestingly, XsalF functions by antagonizing canonical Wnt signaling, which promotes caudalization of neural tissues. XsalF is required for anterior-specific expressions of GSK3beta and Tcf3, genes encoding antagonistic effectors of Wnt signaling. Loss-of-function phenotypes of GSK3beta and Tcf3 mimic those of XsalF while injections of GSK3beta and Tcf3 rescue loss-of-function phenotypes of XsalF. These findings suggest that the forebrain/midbrain-specific gene XsalF negatively controls cellular responsiveness to posteriorizing Wnt signals by regulating region-specific GSK3beta and Tcf3 expression.